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Colourful porcupine quillwork in leaf and tree shapes on birchbark basket.

RCIN 84327.  Image:  Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023.

Makak made by Elizabeth Crow (maker confirmed by inscription on paper and quilled label inside), RCIN 84327. 25.0 x 30.0 x 22.0 cm. 

Elizabeth (Betsy) Crow, aged 55 in 1861, was the wife of Chief John Crow. Betsy is listed on the census as unable to read or write, living in a log home with John, three children and Sarah Copway.

Red and blue porcupine quillwork on birch bark basket lid.
Porcupine quilled birch bark basket lid.

Lid, RCIN 84327.  Image:  Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023.

Elizabeth Crowe handwritten tag with words "to Her Majesty Queen Victoria"

Paper tag inside makak, RCIN 84327.  Image:  Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023.

Makak Elizabeth Crow gaa zhittod (biinji gii teni wdi zhinkaawin). Gaawiin ge wiin Elizabeth (Betsy) Crow gii zhibiigesii ge ji gidaasii. Wdakweziiman Chief John Crow gii zhnikaaso. Nswi binoojii'an wgii yaawon minwaa Sarah Copway gewiin omaa gii ndaa.

detail of red and blue porcupine quillwork on birch bark

Makak fait par Elizabeth Crow (artisane identifiée par l’étiquette en papier et le piquage à l’intérieur), RCIN 84327. 25 cm x 30 cm x 22 cm.

Elizabeth (Betsy) Crow, âgée de 55 ans en 1861, est l’épouse du chef John Crow. Betsy est inscrite au recensement comme ne sachant ni lire ni écrire, vivant dans une maison en rondins avec John, trois enfants et Sarah Copway.

© 2023 To Honour and Respect Project (Laura Peers and Lori Beavis, co-curators). 

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